Monday, February 7, 2011

Sites for Savvy Homeschoolers

Here are wonderful sites that will help new and experienced homeschoolers.  They represent a variety of styles and viewpoints.  Please feel free to comment with your favorite sites, too!

"A to Z Home's Cool community website will help you homeschool your kids from preschool, kindergarten, through homeschooling high school with free online education, home-friendly lesson ideas, educational websites, helpful articles, top homeschool programs, books, materials, curriculum... and best of all... Homeschool Friends! "

This Whatcom County organization partners with parents by providing classroom instruction 1-2 days per week by teachers who strive for excellence in education and understand the "homeschool way."  Highly recommended to supplement in areas where parents want some help.

"The Eclectic Homeschool promotes creative homeschooling through unique resources, teaching methods, and online helps. We are a Christian publication, and although we do not limit ourselves to Christian material, we will not accept articles which include proselytizing for other religions or worldviews."

"The National Repository of Online Courses (NROC) is a growing library of high-quality online course content for students and faculty in higher education, high school and Advanced Placement*. This non-profit project, supported by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, is an Open Educational Resource (OER) and facilitates collaboration among a community of content developers to serve students and teachers worldwide. ... 

"NROC content is distributed free-of-charge to students and teachers at public websites including HippoCampus"

"The award winning 'All Things Gifted' resource for parents, teachers, administrators, mental health professionals, and gifted kids and adults."

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